Niko Winchell Memorial Scholarship was established by his mother, brother and grandparents. They said: "Niko inspired us with his dedication and goals. He touched so many with his humor, kindness and creativity. He enjoyed attending UOP's Brubeck Institute summer camp (now Pacific Jazz Camp) and the inspiration he attained through his teachers and fellow students."
Niko’s love of music began at age two as he watched and conducted along to the “Three Tenors” video. Beginning in the fourth grade, he joined the Del Dayo band playing the clarinet and saxophone; however, Niko found his true calling in Arden’s jazz band under the direction of Rick Baker who instilled his desire to become the next great jazz guitarist. Steve Homan, master jazz guitarist and private instructor, stoked Niko’s passion under his expert tutelage as well as his music directors at Rio Americano High School (RAHS). By age 15, Niko formed his own jazz combo Jazz Eclectic, with fellow RAHS musicians. They performed three times prior to his untimely death due to Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (2012). Their final performance eight days prior to his passing, included Niko's original composition “Brainstorm.”