Ed Rogan
At Pacific Since: 2014
Edward L. Rogan, PharmD, BCACP, FCPhA earned his bachelor of science in biology from University of Illinois and his doctor of pharmacy from University of Iowa. Originally from Chicago, Dr. Rogan followed his Californian wife to the West Coast to pursue a career as a pharmacy manager. He oversaw a community site for Pacific's Advance Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) program. Dr. Rogan received the Stockton Region Preceptor of the Year award in 2006 for his excellence in facilitating students on rotations. Dr. Rogan has a wealth of experience in pharmacy practice from working at an independent pharmacy. He became a member of the Pacific faculty in 2014.
Dr. Rogan loves the sense of family among the Pacific faculty members and students. Dr. Rogan's teaching philosophy is to first assess the students' initial knowledge and then use active learning strategies to challenge students to master tasks. He also wants to help students see the overall scope of the pharmacy profession. In his role at Pacific it is his goal to help contribute to the development of the best pharmacists in California.
Dr. Rogan has always been interested in science, specifically chemistry. He also enjoys working with people. He was drawn to pursue a career in pharmacy because it combined his interpersonal skills with his interest in science. The most influential person in his career was his mentor while he was studying for his doctor of pharmacy, Randy McDonough.
Dr. Rogan was the President of the San Joaquin Pharmacists Association in 2008 and 2013. He is also a member of the California Pharmacists Association, the American Pharmacists Association, the American Public Health Association, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and the American College of Clinical Pharmacy.
He plays guitar in a band that has recorded and released three albums. He enjoys both writing and performing music. Dr. Rogan is also a self-taught artist, with a focus on pastels and oil painting. He tries to apply creativity to all facets of life, from painting to teaching.
BS in Biology, University of Illinois, 1992
PharmD, University of Iowa, 1997
Teaching Philosophy
"That I am a mediator between information and the student. I try to take my experiences in practice, life and learning, and present the information in a way that allows the student to see the practical application and importance of whatever the topic is. I like to be interactive with the class and get as much feedback about how well they understand the material and determine if I can improve their learning. True learning is more than just a multiple- choice exam; it involves applying and using their information and/or skills. I think a good teacher is one who can teach students to not only master the material, but to also facilitate their ability to think critically and understand how they learn themselves."
PHAR 131 — Pharmacy Skills I – Introduction to Patient Workup
PHAR 232 — Clinical Assessment
PHAR 331 — Pharmacy Skills III- Assessment and Counseling
PRAC 153 — Introduction to Spanish for the Pharmacy Professional I
PRAC 168 — Introduction to Spanish for the Pharmacy Professional II
PRAC 141/142/143 — Intro to the Medicare Benefit & Medication Therapy Management
Research Summary
"Developing and discovering new ways to teach and prepare students for pharmacy practice."
Research Interests
- Medicare Part D
- Teaching and Learning
- Patient Communication and Adherence
Scholarly Activity
Valle-Oseguera S, Ranson C, Tam P, Le J, Le M, Kozono M, Park J, Tam A, Chen M, Rogan EL, Patel R. Factors Associated With a Higher Risk of Undiagnosed Prediabetes in a Community-Dwelling Medicare Population. Sr Care Pharm 2020;35:85-92.
Vyas D, Chen M, Boyce E, Galal S, Rogan E, Maker J. Training students on the Pharmacist Patient Care Process using an electronic health record and simulations. Pharmacy Education, 2019; 19(1) 374-380. http://pharmacyeducation.fip.org/.
Edward L. Rogan, Carly A. Ranson, Cynthia S. Valle-Oseguera, Cynthia Lee, Anthony Gumberg, Basirh Nagin, Wenwan Cao, Eileen Wang, Catherine Trinh, Kevin Chan, Navpreet Samra, Emily Hou, Rajul A. Patel. Factors associated with medication related problems in an ambulatory Medicare population and the case for medication therapy management. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2020 Jun;16(6):783-786. doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2019.08.033. Epub 2019 Aug 18.PMID: 31447267
Valle‐Oseguera CS, Ranson CA, Tam PK, Le J, Le BN, Kozono MT, Park JF, Tam AK, Chen M, Rogan EL, Patel RA. Factors Associated With a Higher Risk of Undiagnosed Prediabetes in a Community-Dwelling Medicare Population. Sr Care Pharm. 2020 Feb 1;35(2):85-92. doi: 10.4140/TCP.n.2020.85.PMID: 32019643
Edward L. Rogan, Carly A. Ranson, Traci K. Mori, Salley K. Park, Howard M. Lam, Jamie F. Legaspi, Lan Kim Tran, Christine Julie M. Cameros, Amy Natsuki Blackburn, Sandra T. Lee, Cynthia S. Valle-Oseguera, Christopher N. Pham, Joseph A. Woelfel, and Rajul A. Patel. Exploring the Valley of Savings: Minimizing Part D Costs and Optimizing Drug Therapy Outcomes in Medicare Beneficiaries with Developmental Disability. Intellect Dev Disabil. 2019;57(3):234‐241. doi:10.1352/1934-9556-57.3.234
Joseph A. Woelfel, Edward L. Rogan, Rajul A. Patel, Winnie Ho, Hong Van Nguyen, Emily Highsmith, Claire Chang, Nhat-Thanh Nguyen, Morgan Sato and Daniel Nguyen. Administration, Billing, and Payment for Pharmacy Student-Based Immunizations to Medicare Beneficiaries at Mobile Medicare Clinics. Pharmacy (Basel). 2 `r5rrrq019 Feb 25;7(1)
Eric G. Boyce, PharmD, Edward L. Rogan, PharmD, Deepti Vyas, PharmD, Neel Prasad, PharmD, Yvonne Mai, PharmD. Sarilumab: Review of a Second IL-6 Receptor Antagonist Indicated for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2018 Aug;52(8):780-791
Galal S, Vyas D, Mayberry J, Rogan EL, Patel S, Ruda S. Use of Standardized Patient Simulations to Assess Impact of Motivational Interviewing Training on Social Emotional Development. Pharmacy (Basel). 2018 Jul 11;6(3).
Rajul Patel, PharmD, PhD, Mary Anne Choi, PharmD Candidate, Dorothy Fan, PharmD Candidate, Vincent Man, PharmD Candidate, Cathy Thao Nguyen, PharmD Candidate, Thanh Thai, PharmD Candidate, Michaela Vachuska, PharmD Candidate, Milana Vachuska, PharmD Candidate, Michael Xu, PharmD Candidate, Cynthia S. Valle-Oseguera, PharmD, APh, BCACP, BCGP, Carly A. Ranson, PharmD, BCGP, Edward L. Rogan, PharmD, BCACP, Mark P. Walberg, PharmD, PhD, Joseph A. Woelfel, PhD, RPh, BCGP, Christopher Pham, PharmD. Bridging the Gap: Collaboration between a School of Pharmacy, Public Health, and Governmental Organizations to provide Clinical and Economic Services to Medicare Beneficiaries. Innovations in Pharmacy 2018, Vol. 9, No. 1, Article 2
Patel R, Zhu L, Sohal D, Lenkova E, Koshki N, Woelfel J, Ranson C, Valle-Oseguera CS, Rogan EL. Use of 2015 Beers Criteria Medications by Older Medicare Beneficiaries. Consult Pharm. 2018 Jan 1;33(1):48-54.
Deepti Vyas, Suzanne M. Galal, Edward L. Rogan, Eric G. Boyce. Developing Vaccine Advocates: Training Students to Address Vaccine Hesitancy and/or Refusal. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018 Volume 82, Issue 8, Article 6338.
Rachel Stark, Mickel Paris, Edward Rogan, Mary-Kate Finnegan Dopkins, Cassie Etter. Art Show Paints a Collaborative Picture: Increasing Engagement in a Pharmacy and Health Sciences Library. Hypothesis: Journal of the Research Section of MLA. Fall/Winter 2017, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p21-31. 11p.
Boyce EG, Vyas D, Rogan, E, Valle-Oseguera CS, O’Dell K. Impact of tofacitinib on patient outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis – review of clinical studies. Patient Relat Outcome Meas. 2016 Jan 14;7:1-12.
Vyas D, Halilovic J, Kim M, Ravnan M, Rogan E, Galal S. Use of Cumulative Assessments in US Schools and Colleges. Pharmacy 2015, 3, 27-38;
AACN/IPEC Webinar Presenter: Interprofessional Teaching and Collaborative Practice During COVID-19: A Community Conversation. April 23, 2020.
CPhA West Coast Pharmacy Exchange. San Diego, CA. 4/13/2018. “Spanish in the Pharmacy: What you need to know.”
Asian Pacific Self Development and Residential Association (APSARA) community center, Stockton, CA. 10/17/2018. “Diabetes- what is it and why does it matter?”
CPhA West Coast Pharmacy Exchange. Anaheim, CA. 4/11/2015. “How do we find the time?” Strategically implementing pharmacy students and technicians into programs in relation to SB493.”
Children’s Health Initiative, San Joaquin Public Health, Stockton, CA. 2014. “Medicare Part D Overview.”